Wizard’s Tower is delighted to announce the acquisition of World English and ebook rights to two books in the Imperial Vices series by Chaz Brenchley. The agent was John Jarrold. Of the Emperor’s Kindness will be launched at the World Fantasy Convention in Brighton later this year. Of the City’s Charity is scheduled for 2026.
Feremendas is an age-old empire, settled and certain. Clath is an alliance of smaller kingdoms, upstart and expansive. They are the two great powers of the world.
Malance is from Verantha, one of the little countries caught between. She was in Feremendas-city, working as an interpreter and having the time of her life, when Clath invaded her homeland and swallowed it whole. Bereft and alone, as other Veranthans slip away from the imperium to seek their families or join the resistance, she’s ready to follow—except that the emperor forbids it.
So long as the embassy remains open, Verantha still survives, at least as an idea, a seed, a hope. But an embassy demands an ambassador, and the official appointee has gone. Everyone’s gone, except Malance…
For more than a year now, Her Excellency Malance Hermentine has been mourning her lost land and struggling to find some balance in this new and bewildering life of hers. Ambassador by imperial decree for a country that no longer exists, she has a large and decaying house to manage with a ramshackle and eccentric household, and no budget at all. She has allies and enemies at court; she has beloved friends throughout the city, and one brewing relationship in the palace itself.
And now the emperor warns her that things are about to get worse…
Emperors, of course, do nothing without a reason.
Publisher, Cheryl Morgan, said, “When Chaz sent me the book I was entranced and read it in a single sitting. I’m sure readers will fall in love with Mal and her young friends as I did. But they should never forget that emperors are a devious bunch. Politics can turn deadly serious.”
For further information please email: info@wizardstowerpress.com; or John Jarrold: e-mail: j.jarrold@btinternet.com phone: 01797 227426.